Slovenska verzija je pod angleško.
After several sleepless nights, I am exhausted. The bed is just the right softness for my body. I feel a little warm, so I pull my bare arm out from under the covers. Perfection. I turn over on my stomach, reflecting on the day behind me, and smile involuntarily as I remember my sister's amusing statement. I write another positive in my head. A quiet sigh. I look forward to listening carefully to the lecture tomorrow while taking notes and getting down to the business of getting up to date with my work for college. And exhale. I am slowly slipping into sleep. Inhaling. My thoughts are becoming more and more fogg-. Exhale. I slip smoothly into a deep, dreamless sleep.
I can't get comfortable. A thin beam of light shines into my head through the half-closed door. I have lectures tomorrow, I need to get to sleep as soon as possible. The bed is too soft, I feel hot. I pull back the covers, but soon I'm cold. I think about the day behind me. I shouldn't have said that... In my head, I'm writing a negative. I turn over on my stomach. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale... This isn't working. I can feel the sedative working threateningly in the background. A heavy exhale. I've already missed class today, I can't miss another one tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do. The sedative is pulling me away from my surroundings and I am slowly but steadily sinking into the threatening darkness inside me. Suddenly I don't want to sleep anymore. I feel as if I were clinging to a cliff over a precipice with bloodied fingernail tips. I slip helplessly into a restless sleep full of grotesque dreams.
Po več neprespanih nočeh sem izmučena. Postelja je ravno prav
mehka, prilega se mojemu telesu. Malce mi je pretoplo, zato izpod odeje
potegnem svojo golo roko. Popolnost. Obrnem se na trebuh in premišljujem o
dnevu, ki je za mano, ter se nehote nasmehnem, ko se spomnim sestrine zabavne
izjave. V glavi pišem še en pozitiv. Tih vdih. Veselim se, da bom jutri
natančno prisluhnila predavanju ob delanju zapiskov in se lotila sprotnega dela
za faks. In izdih. Počasi drsim v spanec. Vdih. Moje misli postajajo vedno bolj
zameglje-. Izdih. Gladko zdrsnem v globok spanec brez sanj.
Ne morem se udobno namestiti. Tanek žarek svetlobe mi sveti v
glavo skozi priprta vrata. Jutri imam faks, čim prej moram zaspati. Postelja je
premehka, vroče mi je. Odkrijem se, pa me kmalu zazebe. Premišljujem o dnevu,
ki je za mano. Joj, tega ne bi smela reči … V glavi pišem negativ. Obrnem se na
trebuh. Vdih. Izdih. Vdih … Tole ne deluje. V ozadju čutim grozeče delovanje
pomirjevala. Težek izdih. Že danes sem zamudila predavanje, ne morem ga še
jutri. Veliko dela imam. Pomirjevalo me vleče stran od okolice in počasi a
vztrajno se pogrezam v grozečo temo v sebi. Naenkrat si ne želim več zaspati.
Počutim se kot, da bi se z okrvavljenimi konicami nohtov držala pečine nad
prepadom. Nemočno zdrsnem v nemiren spanec, poln grotesknih sanj.
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