Jasa/A Clearing

English version follows.

Prostrana gozdna jasa, na kateri sem gola. Moje noge so gladke, brez dlačic ali ureznin, sijoči kodri se mi lahkotno in brez napak usipajo po hrbtu, koža je svetleča in mehka. Izžarevam rahlo srebrnkasto svetlobo. Sem ideja same sebe. Trava je rahlo vlažna od hladne rose, tla pa nikakor niso blatna. V bližini ni preveč grozečega čričkanja žuželk, brnenje je rahlo oddaljeno. Podnevi občasno dežuje, vendar dež ni moteče hladen, pač pa prijetno topel in rahel, tako da ne ovira pogleda na skrivnosten gozd, ki me obdaja. Ure in ure ležim na tleh, ponoči opazujem zvezde, podnevi pa zablodele srne, zajce in kolonije mravelj ter prisluhnem jatam ptic, ki v svoji harmonični razglašenosti pomirjujoče čivkajo. Ko dežuje, vstanem in se smejim in vrtim in vrtim in vrtim … Dnevi so ravno prav topli, noči pa rahlo hladnejše, zavijem se v odejo, ki se gladko zliva z mojo kožo.

Ogromna jasa, na kateri sedim sključena in gola. Do nje ne pride veliko sonca, saj jo obdajajo groteskna črna drevesa, ki so previsoka, da bi prepuščala več kot le nekaj šibkih sončnih žarkov. Moja koža je popolna, oddaja grozečo sivkasto svetlobo. Ure in ure nemočno ležim na vlažnih tleh, ker imam premalo energije, da bi vstala, in brez pravega upanja opazujem zvezde, želim si videti vsaj en utrinek … En sam utrinek … V daljavi slišim grozeče čričkanje žuželk in zlovešče razglašeno oglašanje ujed. Podnevi občasno dežuje, vendar dež ni pomirjujoče hladen, pač pa topel kot gosta kri mrtvih srn, ki se občasno znajdejo na jasi z od mrhovinarjev izkljuvanimi očmi. Dež me sili v to, da vstanem in se kot blazna vrtim in smejim. Dnevi so ravno prav topli – za razkroj, gnilobo. Pa tudi rahlo hladnejše noči ne prinesejo olajšanja: takrat me se tresem od mraza, tanka odeja ni v veliko pomoč.

Prva objava iz moje tako imenovane Pozitiv-negativ kolekcije, v kateri poskušam ponazoriti, kako lahko le z besedami popolnoma spremenimo percepcijo na videz enake situacije.

A vast forest clearing where I am naked. My legs are smooth, without hairs or cuts, my glossy curls flow effortlessly and flawlessly down my back, my skin is shiny and soft. I radiate a slight silvery light. I am an idea of myself. The grass is slightly damp from the cool dew, but the ground is by no means muddy. There is not too much threatening insect chirping nearby, the buzzing is slightly distant. It rains occasionally during the day, but the rain is not disturbingly cold, but pleasantly warm and light, so that it does not obstruct the view of the mysterious forest that surrounds me. I lie on the ground for hours, watching the stars at night and the stray deer, rabbits and ant colonies by day, listening to the flocks of birds chirping soothingly in their harmonious declamation. When it rains, I get up and laugh and spin and spin and spin and spin... The days are just warm enough, the nights a little cooler, and I wrap myself in a blanket that blends seamlessly with my skin.

A huge clearing, where I sit bent over and naked.Not much sun reaches it, surrounded as it is by grotesque black trees that are too tall to let in more than a few weak rays of sunlight.My skin is perfect, emitting a menacing greyish light.I lie helplessly on the damp ground for hours, too lacking in energy to get up, and I look up at the stars without any real hope, wishing I could see just one glimpse... Just one glimpse... In the distance I hear the menacing chirp of insects and the ominous call of birds of prey.It rains occasionally during the day, but the rain is not reassuringly cold, but as warm as the thick blood of dead deer that occasionally find themselves in the clearing with their eyes taken outby scavengers.The rain makes me want to get up and spin and laugh like a madwoman.The days are just warm enough - for decay, rot.But even the slightly cooler nights bring no relief: then I shiver with cold, a thin blanket is not much help.

The first post from my so-called Positive-Negative collection, in which I try to illustrate how words alone can completely change the perception of a seemingly identical situation.


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